EBS Provisioned IOPS and Throughput Optimization

Opportunity Name:

EBS Optimize Provisioned IOPS and Throughput Finder

AWS Resource Type:

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Volumes

Opportunity Description:

The Finder identifies Amazon EBS volumes with provisioned IOPS and throughput that exceed their actual usage requirements. It provides recommendations to optimize these parameters, reducing costs while maintaining performance. By analyzing EBS volume utilization and leveraging AWS Compute Optimizer recommendations, the Finder calculates potential savings for underutilized resources.

Criteria for Identifying the Opportunity:

  1. Volume Identification:
    • EBS volumes must have provisioned IOPS or throughput configurations.
    • Volumes must have been active and used in the last 7 days.
  2. Usage Analysis:
    • Validate that the EBS volume exists and is eligible for optimization.
    • Retrieve performance metrics and usage patterns using AWS Compute Optimizer.
  3. Cost Analysis:
    • Current annualized amortized cost is ≥ $100.
    • Savings potential is calculated based on the difference between current costs and optimized recommendations from Compute Optimizer.
  4. Excluded Volumes:
    • Volumes tagged with dontfixit.

Potential Savings:

Potential savings are calculated based on the percentage reduction in cost achieved by optimizing IOPS and throughput parameters. Example: Reducing provisioned IOPS from 16,000 to 3,000 can yield substantial savings.

What Happens When the Fixer is Executed?

The Fixer applies optimized configurations to the EBS volumes by:

  1. Reducing provisioned IOPS and throughput to recommended values.
  2. Ensuring minimal impact on performance while achieving cost savings.

Is It Possible to Roll Back Once CloudFix Implements the Fixer?

Yes, rollback is possible. Users can manually restore the previous volume configuration if necessary.

Can CloudFix Implement the Fix Automatically Once I Accept the Recommendation?

Yes, the Fixer automatically adjusts the volume configuration upon approval.

Does the Fix Require Downtime?

No, Elastic Volumes allow dynamic modification of volume configurations without detaching the volume, ensuring no downtime.

Additional Resources:



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