MemoryDB Reserved Nodes Optimization

Opportunity Name:

MemoryDB Reserved Nodes Optimization

AWS Resource Type:

Amazon MemoryDB

Opportunity Description:

CloudFix identifies cost-saving opportunities by analyzing Amazon MemoryDB instances that would benefit from Reserved Node purchases.

This Finder evaluates historical usage patterns using AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) data and identifies MemoryDB instances that are consistently running. Based on this analysis, CloudFix recommends optimal reservation terms and payment options to reduce costs while ensuring sufficient capacity.

Key Benefits:

  • Lower MemoryDB costs by purchasing Reserved Nodes instead of on-demand pricing.
  • Flexible pricing options based on 1-year or 3-year terms with No Upfront, Partial Upfront, or All Upfront payment plans.
  • Data-driven recommendations using AWS usage history.

Criteria for Identifying the Opportunity:

CloudFix detects MemoryDB reservation opportunities based on the following factors:

  • The resource is an Amazon MemoryDB instance.
  • The instance has been running for at least 7 days, indicating continuous usage (configurable).
  • The annual on-demand cost exceeds $100, making reservation cost-effective.
  • The instance is not already covered by an existing Reserved Node.
  • The instance is not tagged with "do_not_fix" or equivalent.

Potential Savings:

Savings depend on reservation duration and payment plan. On average:

  • 1-Year Reserved Nodes provide up to 40% savings over on-demand pricing.
  • 3-Year Reserved Nodes provide up to 60% savings.
  • All Upfront payment plans offer the largest cost reductions.

Example cost comparison for MemoryDB (1TB, US East 1 region):

Term Payment Option On-Demand Annual Cost Reserved Annual Cost Savings (%)
1 Year No Upfront $5,000 $3,200 36%
1 Year Partial Upfront $5,000 $2,900 42%
3 Years No Upfront $5,000 $2,500 50%
3 Years All Upfront $5,000 $2,000 60%

Recommendation Report

CloudFix generates a detailed recommendation report that includes:

  • Node Type & Count: The MemoryDB instance type and the number of nodes eligible for reservation.
  • Current On-Demand Cost: The estimated annual cost of continuing with on-demand pricing.
  • Reserved Node Pricing Options: Cost breakdown for 1-year and 3-year terms across No Upfront, Partial Upfront, and All Upfront payment options.
  • Potential Savings: The estimated cost reduction for each option.
  • Historical Usage Analysis: A graphical representation of the instance’s CPU and memory usage trends over the last 7, 30, and 60 days.
  • Projected Savings Over Time: Charts comparing costs of on-demand vs. reserved instances over different terms.

What Happens When the Recommendation is Accepted?

This Finder does not implement changes automatically. Instead, it generates a recommendation report, which you can review and use to manually purchase Reserved Nodes via the AWS console.

Is It Possible to Roll Back After Implementing the Recommendation?

No, AWS does not allow cancellations of Reserved Node purchases. However, if requirements change, users can resell Reserved Nodes in the AWS Reserved Instance Marketplace.

Can CloudFix Implement the Fix Automatically Once I Accept the Recommendation?

No, this opportunity requires manual implementation. CloudFix provides the recommendation, but you must purchase Reserved Nodes manually through the AWS console.

Does This Fix Require Downtime?

No, purchasing Reserved Nodes does not impact running workloads. Your instances continue to operate normally, and the savings are automatically applied once AWS processes the reservation.

Additional Resources:





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