RDS Reserved Instances Optimization

Opportunity Name:

RDS Reserved Instances Optimization

AWS Resource Type:

Amazon RDS

Opportunity Description:

CloudFix identifies cost-saving opportunities for Amazon RDS by analyzing AWS Cost Explorer recommendations and historical RDS usage patterns. This Finder helps customers reduce RDS costs by recommending optimal Reserved Instance (RI) purchases based on commitment terms and payment options.

Key Benefits:

  • Up to 69% savings compared to On-Demand pricing.
  • Flexible purchase options (1-year & 3-year terms, with No Upfront, Partial Upfront, or All Upfront payment options).
  • Size flexibility within the instance class for better cost-efficiency.
  • Automatic discount application upon purchase.

Criteria for Identifying the Opportunity:

CloudFix identifies RDS reserved instance opportunities based on:

  • The database engine type (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc.).
  • The instance’s region to ensure reservation availability.
  • The historical usage pattern over 7, 30, and 60 days.
  • The estimated annual On-Demand cost exceeds $100.
  • The break-even point aligns with the instance’s projected usage.
  • The instance is not already covered by an existing Reserved Instance.

Potential Savings:

The savings depend on reservation term and payment option. On average:

  • 1-Year Reserved Instances offer up to 40% savings over On-Demand pricing.
  • 3-Year Reserved Instances offer up to 69% savings.
  • All Upfront payment plans provide the highest savings.

Recommendation Report

CloudFix generates a detailed recommendation report, including:

  1. RDS Instance Details:

    • Database Engine Type
    • Instance Class
    • Region
  2. Cost Comparison Table:

    • Current On-Demand Annual Cost
    • Reserved Instance Pricing for each term and payment plan
    • Savings Amount ($) and Savings Percentage (%)
  3. Break-Even Analysis:

    • Upfront Costs vs. Monthly Savings
    • Projected break-even timeline
  4. Visualizations:

    • Historical RDS usage trends (7, 30, and 60 days)
    • Cost projection graphs for On-Demand vs. Reserved Instances

What Happens When the Recommendation is Accepted?

CloudFix does not automatically apply the fix. Instead, it provides detailed recommendations, allowing customers to manually purchase Reserved Instances through the AWS Console.

Is It Possible to Roll Back After Implementing the Recommendation?

No, AWS does not allow cancellations of Reserved Instance purchases. However, if requirements change, Reserved Instances can be resold on the AWS Reserved Instance Marketplace.

Can CloudFix Implement the Fix Automatically Once I Accept the Recommendation?

No. CloudFix only provides recommendations. Customers must manually purchase Reserved Instances through AWS.

Does This Fix Require Downtime?

No. Reserved Instances apply automatically and do not impact running databases. The discount is applied at the billing level without modifying the existing database.

Additional Resources:



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