EC2 Low Risk Savings Disappeared


You are observing that there's a sharp drop in the savings value in CloudFix, which is primarily occurring due to the EC2 Low Risk Rightsize no longer being calculated as a part of the reported savings.


  • This issue can occur when there are certain accounts in your AWS environment where you have opted out of the AWS Cost Optimizer.
  • To fix this, it is recommended to enable the AWS Compute Optimizer on all your accounts using step 1 and 2 from this linked article.


Below are the steps that can help troubleshoot this type of issue:

  1. From the pcfx_cloudfix_prod database, get the value of tenant_id column from the tenants table for this tenant.
  2. Run the below query in Athena to get all the AWS accounts information for this Tenant:
SELECT distinct(aws_account) FROM cloudfix_events
WHERE tenant_id='<tenant_id from first step>'
   AND event_type='cost-opportunity' ;
  1. Run the below query in Athena to get information related to the resources for this Finder:
SELECT distinct(resource_id) FROM cloudfix_events
WHERE tenant_id='<tenant_id from first step>'
 AND event_type='recommendation'
   AND finder_fixer_id='Ec2LowRiskRightsize' ;
  1. Run the below query to find status of previous recommendations. They would be invalidated by rejection:
SELECT distinct(resource_id) FROM cloudfix_events
WHERE tenant_id='<tenant_id from first step>'
AND event_type='recommendation'
AND finder_fixer_id='Ec2LowRiskRightsize'
AND resource_id NOT IN
(SELECT distinct(resource_id) FROM cloudfix_events
WHERE tenant_id='<tenant_id from first step>'
AND event_type='opportunity-rejected') ;




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